Stock Images versions
Understanding versions
Image tags follow the next pattern:
Take an example: docksal/mysql:5.7-1.3
means software version, in this case MySQL 5.7.
means image stability tag. Stability tag is the image version.
Same software version might have several image versions.
Let’s say we have added something to the MySQL 5.7 image (like a new default configuration),
we would increase the stability tag to 1.4
in that case, but the software version 5.7
would remain the same,
resulting in docksal/mysql:5.7-1.4
Note: cli
is a special case, cli
itself is seen as software here with -php...
being just a flavor of it.

Image |
Notes |
docksal/cli:2.6-php7.3 |
PHP 7.3, Nodejs v10.15.0, Ruby 2.6.0, Python 2.7.0, msmtp |
docksal/cli:2-php7.3 |
Latest 2.x image version of PHP 7.3 flavor, convenient when extending images |
docksal/cli:2.6-php7.2 |
Default image, PHP 7.2, Nodejs v10.15.0, Ruby 2.6.0, Python 2.7.0, msmtp |
docksal/cli:2-php7.2 |
Latest 2.x image version PHP 7.2 flavor, convenient when extending images) |
docksal/cli:2.6-php7.1 |
PHP 7.1, Nodejs v10.15.0, Ruby 2.6.0, Python 2.7.0, msmtp |
docksal/cli:2.5-php7.0 |
Deprecated, PHP 7.0, mhsendmail |
docksal/cli:2.5-php5.6 |
Deprecated, PHP 5.6, mhsendmail |

Image |
Notes |
docksal/apache:2.4-2.3 |
Default image, Apache 2.4 |
docksal/apache:2.4 |
Apache 2.4 (latest) |

Image |
Notes |
docksal/nginx:1.15 |
Nginx 1.15 (latest 1.15 image version) |
docksal/nginx:1.15-1.0 |
Nginx 1.15 (v. 1.0) |
docksal/nginx:1.14 |
Nginx 1.14 (latest 1.14 image version) |
docksal/nginx:1.14-1.0 |
Default image, Nginx 1.14 (v. 1.0) |
docksal/nginx:1.13 |
Nginx 1.13 (latest 1.13 image version) |
docksal/nginx:1.13-1.0 |
Nginx 1.13 (v. 1.0) |
docksal/nginx:1.12 |
Nginx 1.12 (latest 1.12 image version) |
docksal/nginx:1.12-1.0 |
Nginx 1.12 (v. 1.0) |
docksal/nginx:1.11 |
Nginx 1.11 (latest 1.11 image version) |
docksal/nginx:1.11-1.0 |
Nginx 1.11 (v. 1.0) |

Image |
Notes |
docksal/mysql:5.6 |
MySQL 5.6 (latest image version) |
docksal/mysql:5.6-1.4 |
Default image, MySQL 5.6 (v. 1.4) |
docksal/mysql:5.7 |
MySQL 5.7 (latest 5.7 image version) |
docksal/mysql:5.7-1.4 |
MySQL 5.7 (v. 1.4) |
docksal/mysql:8.0 |
MySQL 8.0 (latest 8.0 image version) |
docksal/mysql:8.0-1.4 |
MySQL 8.0 (v. 1.4) |

Image |
Notes |
docksal/mariabdb:5.5 |
MariaDB 5.5 |
docksal/mariabdb:10.0 |
MariaDB 10.0 |
docksal/mariabdb:10.1 |
MariaDB 10.1 |
docksal/mariabdb:10.2 |
MariaDB 10.2 |
docksal/mariabdb:10.3 |
MariaDB 10.3 (latest) |
Apache Solr

Image |
Notes |
docksal/solr:5.5 |
Apache Solr 5.5 |
docksal/solr:6.6 |
Apache Solr 6.6 |
docksal/solr:7.5 |
Apache Solr 7.5 (latest) |
DEPRECATED: Use docksal/apache
or docksal/nginx

Image |
Notes |
docksal/web:apache2.4 |
Apache 2.4 |
docksal/web:apache2.2 |
Apache 2.2 |